The Deer Exercise for Women: Healing and Rejuvenation

It will be posted in two-parts:  
  1. Healing and Rejuvenation
  2. Instructions for the Woman’s Deer Exercise–Stage 1 and Stage 2
ImagePART i–The Deer Exercise for Women–Healing and Rejuvenation
Taoist Sexology proves a way for fertile women to eliminate the menstrual period in a safe way.
A great deal of blood and nutrients can be retained instead of being lost monthly.
The Deer Exercise stops menstruation.  This is not unnatural.  Menstruation stops immediately during pregnancy, nursing and menopause.  Here, the Deer Exercise triggers the woman’s body’s inner intelligence to redirect the blood to nourish and strengthen the sexual glands.  Pregnancy is not likely to occur during the practice.  When you discontinue the Deer Exercise the menstrual cycle will resume.  The benefit is the prospect for a healthier pregnancy. 
There are numerous and noteworthy benefits of the Deer Exercise:
  • Natural estrogen production, and causes it to spread throughout the vagina, uterus, breasts, and ovaries.
  • A surge in estrogen levels can greatly relieve the symptoms of menopause and rejuvenate the woman.
  • This increase in estrogen results naturally, and the body naturally balances the increase with other substances.
Importantly, the body knows what amount of estrogen it needs at any given time. 
A doctor administering man-made estrogen, a drug that is not balanced with the other substances normally 
occurring within the body, cannot know what exact level of the hormone is needed in the bloodstream.
Every hour the hormone level in the blood changes and it would be impossible to follow it.
Also, man-made estrogen will eventually cause problems by either over, or under dosing.
The body is the best judge to the amount of estrogen to be released, because its sensitive sensors are on the alert every second of the day.
  • The Deer exercise also eliminates the problems related to the menstrual period, even in the middle of a period.  These problems include emotional ups and owns, water retention, hormone blockages, cramps, and abnormal flow of blood.
  • The vagina also benefits from the Deer Exercise.  It becomes tighter, meatier, and more flexible.  A woman who has had children can greatly benefit from the Deer, as the man’s pleasure is increased during intercourse.  Childbirth can leave the vagina loose and enlarged, resulting in a great loss of penile sensation for her partner during intercourse.
  • By performing the exercise, a woman can become virgin-like again, because the vagina is automatically exercise, energized, and tighten.
  • Here’s a technique that women can use during intercourse which is very pleasing to her partner.  When the man thrusts, she relaxes the vagina.  When he withdraws, she tightens it.  This technique can hold her partners sexual interest, this, along with a tight, virgin-like vagina almost assures it.  He will keep his interest because he will know there is no one better.


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